The pragmatic definition: Connectivity is the transport of packets between two end points. This is also the definition of "IP" (Internet Protocol).
TCP, for example, is an application protocol. the term "TCP/IP"
these sayings in pure english mean that if you have a phone line you can connect to the internet through either a wireless router, ethernet of on a dial-up connection. There are also many other opertunities to connect if you have a mac 0n wireless you can connect to a wireless hotspot and, use the internet throught there isp (internet service provider)
and every computer and every phoneline has an "IP address" which is the address you use to connect to the internet, and what you can be reconised at so if you break the law they can trace you back to where you acessed the internet from.
The sudden rise in the internet market over the last decadebut has been slowly rising ever since the seventys, means that we can connect anywhere in the world as well as our labtops PDA'S PSP'S and more console what provice an isp like firefox safari or microsoft internet explorer
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