Computer G

Monday, September 25, 2006

G Developers

There are several game developers now: including the ones today like, sony,microsoft(xbox&360) but theres been many other developers in the past like: Atari, Magnevision,Panasonic,vectrex,Arcadia,Amstrad,NUON,Intellivision,Odesey, and many many more. Over the years manufacturers have blurred the lines of what a videogame console really is. A videogame console consists of a main unit that connects to a visual display device. In the 1980's thru the 1990's computer makers redesigned lines of home computers, and made them into consoles (FM Towns Marty, the Commodore 64GS, the Amstrad GX400, Zemmix, and the Amiga CD32). Console makers created media, or added features, to give consoles "Computer-like" abilities. If it plays portable "right out of the box", then it is a handheld. If the device uses a power cord that requires AC power, and cannot run without it (no batteries), then it is a console. G developers liked the compertition between each other abd they expressed that by developing, more and more consoles and G,


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